Saturday, March 31, 2012

♪ D e a r A g o n y ♪

Dear Agony
Just let go of me
Suffer slowly
Is this the way it's got to be?
Dear Agony

* I plan on naming each blog after the song I'm currently listening to. I also plan to include some lyrics and a link to said song.

Let's start this blog off with a yummy little recipe, shall we?

Things You'll Need: (For 1 person)
1 Potato  
A pot with a lid

1. Take a knife to the potato, and dice it up into pieces. (Keep the dices small, so they won't take as long to cook)
2. Wash the diced up potatoes with water.
3. Grab that old cereal spoon, and take out a glob of butter.
4. Toss the butter into the pot.
5. Turn the heat to medium (5 to 7, if you have numbers on your stove)
6. Wait for the butter to melt (Should only take a minute or two)
7. After the butter is melted, start tossing your potatoes in. 
8. Put the pot's lid on, and set a timer for 10 minutes.
9. Come back 10 minutes later, and remove the lid.
10. Take a spatula (or another similar utensil) and stir the potatoes around.
11. Keep the lid off, and set the timer for another 5-10 minutes (depending on how brown you want them).
12. When the timer goes off, remove the potatoes from the pot and sit them on a plate with a paper towel.
13. Take another sheet of paper towel and dry them off (to get all that excess butter off the outside).
14. Sprinkle salt on them.
15. Enjoy! 

That's how I cook my yummy breakfast potatoes. ♥

Earth Hour is today!
It starts at 8:30PM, I believe.

Here is a link to the youtube channel: Earth Hour.
Go accept a challenge to help out!

I recently joined
I suppose it is alright.
However, I think some things about it could change a little.
It has some cute art on it, though. Such as the little avatars, their outfits, little "ChibiPets", etc.
Unfortunately, it is one of those avatar sites that want you to buy "G-Coins" or spend weeks to months raising enough "Chibi Coins" to buy things.
I, for one, personally refuse to waste precious money on virtual coins.  ☺