Monday, April 16, 2012

♪ I W a n n a D a n c e W i t h S o m e b o d y ♪

School web filters block lyric sites, unfortunately. 
Yay for being able to listen to an mp3 player at school.

I am at school a lot earlier than I should be, so I decided I would write a blog.

:( I haven't written one in several days.
So much for writing one every day. 
*hurls that idea into next week*

So yes, right now I'm at school.
I only go to school for four hours per day.
7:50AM to noon. (:

... Now  that I look at the clock, it's nearly 7:50.
However, teachers don't come check on us for about...
Another 30 minutes, maybe? 
Oh well.

Last night, I picked up a ceramic egg that had 5 marigold seeds in it.
I watered it, and stuck it in the window...
So hopefully it will germinate.

... This is incredibly awkward writing, as I keep having people pass behind me. o-o
They don't know how to not be nosey, since they see me typing up a storm.
Shoo, shoo!

Ah.. Yesterday I got about 3 inches knocked off of my hair. D:
Oh well... it was all mostly dead and split.
Hopefully my hair will grow longer now, even though I haven't figured out what I want to do with it yet.
I would really like to dye it red, green, or purple...
But I don't like that fact I would have to bleach my hair. o.o

 Hmm, I'm still figuring out what I want to do over the summer...
I would like to get a job somewhere AWAY from the city, or somewhere with animals...
Maybe the Zoo? Or SPCA?
Maybe I can get a country friend to let me help out. :P

... *peeks over her shoulder* 
Okay, I think I'm done with this blog for now.
I'll probably write another one later on today, that is more interesting... with pictures.
("Barracuda" web site filter is incredibly annoying. :I )

Monday, April 9, 2012

♪ I H a v e N o t h i n g ♪

I don't really need to look
Very much further/farther,
I don't want to have to go
Where you don't follow.
I will hold it back again,
This passion inside.
Can't run from myself,
There's nowhere to hide.
(Your love I'll remember forever.)

My game got delivered~
So I'll get it tonight.
I can't wait to play Avalon Code.
I'm going to end up being up all night playing it. (':
At the moment, and I blame that Whitney song, I am itching to watch The Bodyguard.
A movie that I do not own.
(: I wonder if Netflix has it to watch on the wii.
Hopefully so!

... I decided to play Sims 3 the other night.
I made a cute little couple.
However, the wife was "Good" and the husband was "evil".
... They hate each other. :'D
So much.
It is actually rather amusing...
And the husband flirts with other girls in front of his wife. o.o

... I just got finished looking on Netflix.
No Bodyguard. 

Well, in a chatroom I'm in...
People were typing out stories to tell.
I decided to type up a paragraph or two for the beginning of a story.
I thought I'd go ahead and add it here, since I don't have anything rather significant to add today.

   "Once upon a time, there was a bubbly little girl. She adorned a red cape, and blonde curly hair. She skipped across the house, to the road, and straight into the forest on her way to her grandma's house. A basket of treats swung lightly in her hand. The girl knew not of fear or of the darkness that crept within the trees. Thus, she continued to skip and hum through the shade of the forest... as only an innocent child could. 
     The sun began to fade, cowering behind the high line of trees. Still, the girl was never clenched with fear. However, a bump in the bushes nearest to her caught her attention. She paused, and tilted her head ever so slightly. A blonde curl twisted down onto her shoulder, and her bright red hood clouded her face. As she waited, a large shadow appeared from the darkness and a darkly furred paw stepped out. Shortly behind it, accompanied a grin full of white fangs and golden eyes that could send any hunter running. The girl merely smiled at the wolfish creature that reared its ugly head.

It's based off of Red Riding Hood, of course. (Someone was writing a Goldilocks story, which is what inspired me to do Red.)
I actually think I'll revise it and write more of it. (:
I kind of like it.

... *glances beside my computer* 
I have a tiny Pomeranian looking at me in the darkness...
That's... not creepy at all.
... She just wiggled her way onto my lap... that is holding my laptop. 
Bah. o-o

Well, Easter was nice.
I spent time with family.
My memaw cooked chicken, ham, dressing, confetti corn, regular corn, peas, corn salad, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, and chicken gravy.
Yummy. (:
She also had some Humming Bird cake that someone had given her for easter.
It was in the shape of a bunny.
How cute!

That's really all I have for this blog. (:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

♪ N i g h t O f T h e H u n t e r ♪

Pray to your god, open your heart
Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark
Cover your eyes, the devil's inside
One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end 

40 minutes late. *Edit: an hour now!*
I've been at my oldest sister's apartment visiting all day.
But before I go to bed, I was determined to write a blog. :I

So today, we went over to my sister's around 5pm or so.
We decided that we would go down to the pool and swim... yay.
we get down there. 
Figure out which of the two pools is cleaner.
I was turned into the guinea pig.
I got the pleasure of trying out the water first.
"Oh, it's nice." (:
Yeah, I lied.
It was freezing cold, literally.
They all hopped in a froze.
(Pay back for being designated the lab rat :P )
So obviously, swimming didn't last long. 
I was the only one that could stand the ice cold water, apparently.
We went back in, dried off, then proceeded to watch a movie.
We watched We Bought A Zoo.
That was a lovely movie!
It was sweet. (: 
Based off a true story. ♥

Oh, good lord!
I am so impatient that it hurts.
I have been stalking my Amazon order for Avalon Code
It has been shipped, and is in transit...
And I know good and well that the USPS is not up and running on Easter weekend.
Yet I look at it constantly anyways, hoping that it might update.
Hopefully, the game will arrive soon before I hurt myself.
(Please refer to my last blog for more information about the game. (: )

... I have been a game-downloading junkie these past two or three days.
I now have a hoard of games I can play on PC.
I have... three Petz games installed. 
But Petz games make me happy.
They're so simple, and... relaxing, I suppose.
I don't have to worry about a slew of things.

we're going to memaw's house.
:D Yay for wonderful home cooked meals for Easter!
Yum! (:

I'm honestly too tired to type any more... 
So here are some cute pictures. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

♪ E y e s O p e n ♪

In backyards, 
Winning battles with the wooden swords  
But now we've stepped into a cruel world  
Where everybody stands in,  
Keep score  
Keep your eyes open  
Everybody's waiting  
For you to breakdown  
Everybody's watching  
To see the fallout 
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping 
Keep your eye, eyes open

... Ugh.
I took a nap again.
I'm really not feeling good today.
Nearly blacked out, too.
Anyways, let's see if I can find some things to talk about...

I downloaded several games today. ♥
One of them being the original Unreal Tournament.
It's old, but I love it! 

I also ordered Avalon Code from!
I'm excited. (:
I went and watched some youtube videos for it, and it looks like it has excellent and very pretty graphics.
RPGs always make me happy.  ♫
Ur is my favorite, design-wise.
All four Spirits in the game.
The seller I bought the game from actually lives in my state, so hopefully it won't take too long to get here. 

I'm so glad I didn't have school today, and don't have it monday.
Perfect time for me to catch up on my sleep!

I have a new, simple, recipe to add. (:

What you'll need:
 1 Smoked sausage
1 Baking potato (or considerably sized potato, so you'll have enough)
Shredded cheese

What to do:
` Grab a medium sized pot, and toss a few spoonfuls of butter in.
` Turn the stove to medium-heat. (If it has numbers, then try between 6 and 7.)
` While you're letting the butter melt, take out your potato and smoked sausage.
` Dice up the potato, and slice the smoked sausage. Make sure it's not too thickly sliced.
` Once all the butter in the pot is melted, toss in your potatoes and sausage.
` Put a lid over your pot, and set a timer for 10 minutes.
` Come back in 10 minutes, and remove the lid.
` Stir and turn over the contents in your pot. 
` Fry these for another 5 to 6 minutes with the lid off.
` Once 5 to 6 minutes have passed, turn the stove off, and toss your fried food onto a plate (or in a storage container).
` Take out your shredded cheese and sprinkle it all over your hot food.
` You can either choose to let it melt on its own, or sit the plate into the microwave for about 30 seconds.
` Enjoy! (:

This takes about... 25 minutes in total; For food prep, cooking, etc.

Oh good lord!
My dogs are driving me insane.
My pomeranian hates the new, big puppy.
The puppy aggravates the Pom and myself... trying to get more attention. 
So this has the pomeranian barking all day...
and a puppy that just won't stop doing things he's not supposed to.
... Ugh.
So many headaches.
So little tylenol.

On another, useless, update...
I'm nearly finished with Spring; Year 1 on Harvest Moon: A Tale Of Two Towns.
Yes, this amuses me and makes me happy.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

♪ W e A r e Y o u ng ♪

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun


We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

Oh my! 
I've been asleep for the past few hours.
I nearly missed my time to write a blog.
(I'm wanting to write one blog a day, is all.)
I honestly have no idea what I'm going to write about tonight...
I'm so groggy.

... Well,
I did just suggest that my best friend, Morgan, name one of her rats "Pimp".
She got her new little rat babies from my hoard. (:
They're quite cute.
She got one of the little rebels that had actually gotten lost in the house for several days.
He's alive and kickin' though!
(I actually think he's her favorite out of the pair.)

We bought a ferret cage today.
A Super Pet, $89.99.
2' x 2'.
Do you know that this thing took me over two hours to "snap" together?
Good lord.
I was about ready to simply toss it out the door and be done with it.
... I'm also not sure that Nyx is enjoying it.
She's been a free-roaming ferret for over a year...
We'll see, I suppose.
The cage of doom!

Tomorrow and Monday, I'm off of school.
Yay (:
I'm guessing it's for Easter weekend.
However, I don't believe I'm doing anything for Easter.
I would like to go down and visit with some family, but I don't think that will be happened.

Petco has a Meet The Critters (today) and tomorrow.
From 1pm to 3pm, I believe.
You'll have to check your local Petco calendar.

At the moment, I'm working on a commission.
This one is from my very good friend, Connie. (:
I'll include a work in progress below.

For lunch today, after I had finished snapping together the ferret cage,
I fried sliced up smoked sausage and potatoes.
Then smothered them with cheese.
YUM! ♥

- Marilyn Monroe.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

♪ T h e s e D a ys ♪

Easy For You To Say
Your Heart Has Never Been Broken
Your Pride Has Never Been Stolen
Not Yet Not Yet
One Of These Days
I Bet Your Heart'll Be Broken
I Bet Your Pride'll Be Stolen 
I'll Bet I'll Bet I'll Bet I'll Bet
One Of These Days
One Of These Days

I just woke up from a long nap. 
Definitely didn't mean to fall asleep!

I also must have had ferrets on the brain.
The dream that I remember was of me in Petco.
First, I asked some Sales Reps about the ferrets... such as: How old they were, did they bite, etc.
Then I had the reps tell me all these things about their ferrets. 
Next thing I know, my dream-self is walking over to a ferret bin with all these big ferrets.
(In the dream, they were at least twice their usual size.)
I saw several ferrets that resembled my own, then I saw two whites, and TA DAH!
A black one! It was a black ferret with a white blazed face.
How adorable!
Well, when I woke up... I went to Google Images to browse around for black ferrets.
I actually found some! 
How cute is that?

On another note, reflecting back to my blog from yesterday, I wasn't able to pick up a ferret today. :(
Maybe tomorrow, or Friday.
I'm kind of hoping our Petco will have a little white baby (albino or black eyed white), panda, or marked white.
If not, then that's alright. (: Sable or cinnamon is just fine!
Albino ferret

Panda ferret


I learned today that my friend, Steven, is going to be applying for Face Off!
Good luck, Steve! ♥

As for the tornadoes yesterday, none hit my area.
Which I'm incredibly thankful for.
I went and watched some footage of the carnage yesterday...
Cars were sucked up and flying.
But today there are no signs of storm clouds, rain, etc. The only thing is that the ground is incredibly soggy.
Texas is famous for its bipolar weather.

I've been reading a book series.
It's a fiction - young adult series, though.
The first book is called Hush Hush and it's pretty good!
I'm in the process of reading the second book, Crescendo, right now.
The author is Becca Fitzpatrick.

"Nora Grey is responsible and smart and not inclined to be reckless. Her first mistake was falling for Patch. .
Patch has made countless mistakes and has a past that could be called anything but harmless. The best thing he ever did was fall for Nora.
After getting paired together in biology, all Nora wants to do is stay away from Patch, but he always seems to be two steps ahead of her. She can feel his eyes on her even when he is nowhere around. She feels him nearby even when she is alone in her bedroom. And when her attraction can be denied no longer, she learns the secret about who Patch is and what led him to her, as well as the dark path he is about to lead her down. Despite all the questions she has about his past, in the end, there may be only one question they can ask each other: How far are you willing to fall?"

If you like the supernatural, paranormal romance, young adult fiction...
Then I would suggest this book to you.  ☺

For those of you who own pets, and shop at Petco, Petco is currently having a site wide sale.
Up to 40% off on purchases site-wide, however, these savings go inside the store if you're the holder of a Petco card. (:

Petsmart is doing something similar, except only with shipping.

You are actually able to do that on Google Maps!
If you don't believe me, try it out yourself. (:


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

♪ W h a t D o e s n t K i l l Y o u ♪

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
Stand a little taller  
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter 
Footsteps even lighter 
 Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone 
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger

Well, Amber alerts and tornado sirens have been going on all day today.
Several tornadoes have touched down only a few miles from me.
However, those have mostly been replaced by a severe thunderstorm warning.
Warning wasn't a lie.
There has been a thunderstorm with sheets of rain pouring down hanging over for about half an hour.

Thought I would include some thunderstorm photos below. (:

On another note,
We got our income tax refund!
Over $1200!
A little over $300 went into a pair of Beats headphones and a new High performance router.
Tomorrow we're going to see about investing in a ferret cage, and bring home a second furry friend.♥
Nyx, the ferret, wondering what I'm doing
Nyx curled up, asleep
She's a cute little bugger. 
I definitely think she needs a buddy. (:

In this blog,
I wanted to include some of my artwork from my dA account.


"SelfAffliction's Commission"