Monday, April 16, 2012

♪ I W a n n a D a n c e W i t h S o m e b o d y ♪

School web filters block lyric sites, unfortunately. 
Yay for being able to listen to an mp3 player at school.

I am at school a lot earlier than I should be, so I decided I would write a blog.

:( I haven't written one in several days.
So much for writing one every day. 
*hurls that idea into next week*

So yes, right now I'm at school.
I only go to school for four hours per day.
7:50AM to noon. (:

... Now  that I look at the clock, it's nearly 7:50.
However, teachers don't come check on us for about...
Another 30 minutes, maybe? 
Oh well.

Last night, I picked up a ceramic egg that had 5 marigold seeds in it.
I watered it, and stuck it in the window...
So hopefully it will germinate.

... This is incredibly awkward writing, as I keep having people pass behind me. o-o
They don't know how to not be nosey, since they see me typing up a storm.
Shoo, shoo!

Ah.. Yesterday I got about 3 inches knocked off of my hair. D:
Oh well... it was all mostly dead and split.
Hopefully my hair will grow longer now, even though I haven't figured out what I want to do with it yet.
I would really like to dye it red, green, or purple...
But I don't like that fact I would have to bleach my hair. o.o

 Hmm, I'm still figuring out what I want to do over the summer...
I would like to get a job somewhere AWAY from the city, or somewhere with animals...
Maybe the Zoo? Or SPCA?
Maybe I can get a country friend to let me help out. :P

... *peeks over her shoulder* 
Okay, I think I'm done with this blog for now.
I'll probably write another one later on today, that is more interesting... with pictures.
("Barracuda" web site filter is incredibly annoying. :I )

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