Thursday, April 5, 2012

♪ W e A r e Y o u ng ♪

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun


We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

Oh my! 
I've been asleep for the past few hours.
I nearly missed my time to write a blog.
(I'm wanting to write one blog a day, is all.)
I honestly have no idea what I'm going to write about tonight...
I'm so groggy.

... Well,
I did just suggest that my best friend, Morgan, name one of her rats "Pimp".
She got her new little rat babies from my hoard. (:
They're quite cute.
She got one of the little rebels that had actually gotten lost in the house for several days.
He's alive and kickin' though!
(I actually think he's her favorite out of the pair.)

We bought a ferret cage today.
A Super Pet, $89.99.
2' x 2'.
Do you know that this thing took me over two hours to "snap" together?
Good lord.
I was about ready to simply toss it out the door and be done with it.
... I'm also not sure that Nyx is enjoying it.
She's been a free-roaming ferret for over a year...
We'll see, I suppose.
The cage of doom!

Tomorrow and Monday, I'm off of school.
Yay (:
I'm guessing it's for Easter weekend.
However, I don't believe I'm doing anything for Easter.
I would like to go down and visit with some family, but I don't think that will be happened.

Petco has a Meet The Critters (today) and tomorrow.
From 1pm to 3pm, I believe.
You'll have to check your local Petco calendar.

At the moment, I'm working on a commission.
This one is from my very good friend, Connie. (:
I'll include a work in progress below.

For lunch today, after I had finished snapping together the ferret cage,
I fried sliced up smoked sausage and potatoes.
Then smothered them with cheese.
YUM! ♥

- Marilyn Monroe.

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