Monday, April 2, 2012

♪ O u r S o l e m n H o u r ♪

In my darkest hours I could not foresee
That the tide could turn so fast to this degree
Can't believe my eyes
How can you be so blind?
Is the heart of stone, no empathy inside?
Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned
So in the end now what have we gained?


Netflix. ♥
I've gotten addicted to it.
At the moment, I'm watching Charmed.
I'm on season 4 so far.
It may be from a while back, but it is still a very good show.

I also recently went and bought one of my favorite movies.
I'm not entirely sure why I love it so much, but I do.
I also learned that it was a game series!
Timothy Olyphant as Agent 47

Another thing I'm pretty addicted to is: Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns.
It's a game I have for my DS Lite.
I used to play the original Harvest Moon on Gamecube, even.
So perhaps I'm a little biased, seeing as how I enjoy the game anyway.


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