Sunday, April 8, 2012

♪ N i g h t O f T h e H u n t e r ♪

Pray to your god, open your heart
Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark
Cover your eyes, the devil's inside
One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end 

40 minutes late. *Edit: an hour now!*
I've been at my oldest sister's apartment visiting all day.
But before I go to bed, I was determined to write a blog. :I

So today, we went over to my sister's around 5pm or so.
We decided that we would go down to the pool and swim... yay.
we get down there. 
Figure out which of the two pools is cleaner.
I was turned into the guinea pig.
I got the pleasure of trying out the water first.
"Oh, it's nice." (:
Yeah, I lied.
It was freezing cold, literally.
They all hopped in a froze.
(Pay back for being designated the lab rat :P )
So obviously, swimming didn't last long. 
I was the only one that could stand the ice cold water, apparently.
We went back in, dried off, then proceeded to watch a movie.
We watched We Bought A Zoo.
That was a lovely movie!
It was sweet. (: 
Based off a true story. ♥

Oh, good lord!
I am so impatient that it hurts.
I have been stalking my Amazon order for Avalon Code
It has been shipped, and is in transit...
And I know good and well that the USPS is not up and running on Easter weekend.
Yet I look at it constantly anyways, hoping that it might update.
Hopefully, the game will arrive soon before I hurt myself.
(Please refer to my last blog for more information about the game. (: )

... I have been a game-downloading junkie these past two or three days.
I now have a hoard of games I can play on PC.
I have... three Petz games installed. 
But Petz games make me happy.
They're so simple, and... relaxing, I suppose.
I don't have to worry about a slew of things.

we're going to memaw's house.
:D Yay for wonderful home cooked meals for Easter!
Yum! (:

I'm honestly too tired to type any more... 
So here are some cute pictures. 

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