Sunday, April 1, 2012

♪ D a r k S i d e ♪

Everybody's got a dark side 
Do you love me? 
Can you love mine?
  Nobody's a picture perfect
  But we're worth it 
 You know that we're worth it  
Will you love me? 
Even with my dark side?

Today I visited the Fort Worth Zoo!
It was nice, however... it was incredibly hot.
I even made the mistake of sporting an all black outfit.
90+ degree heat, and lots of walking.
Whoo! I certainly got my exercise for the day!
They had a baby chimp and a baby greater kudu.
Oh! They were precious.
The daddy chimp was even playing with the baby when we walked up. ♥
I wasn't able to get any good quality pictures, but I'll include some pictures (provided by Google) below.

Help stop puppy mills!
In all truth, all those adorable puppies you see in a window at pet stores... have been shipped from puppy mills. 
These puppies' mothers are shoved in a crate and never leave. They are forced to have litter after litter until they die.
Most of these pet store puppies aren't as healthy as they seem to be.
Sure, you might take home one of the lucky ones that end up having parvo, respiratory issues, etc.
If you're looking to adopt a puppy for your family, then please think about buying from a certified breeder or adopting from an animal shelter!
Those dogs need a home just as much as those window-puppies do! 

To spot a puppy mill:
` They will not let you see the living quarters of these dogs. (Will suggest meeting elsewhere)
`  They will not provide a health guarantee.
` They will do whatever is necessary to disguise their location. 
` They will sell their dogs over the internet, in flea markets, newspaper ads, or even on the side of the road! They will put on a happy front, so it will seem the pups come from pampered homes.
` They over breed the mother dogs.
` The parent dogs will most likely look very sickly or unhealthy. 
` The puppies may be thin, have worms, no vaccination papers, runny nose, unhealthy gums, injured, etc.

Please, if you think you have recently bought from a puppy mill breeder or have spotted one online (or elsewhere), then please report these perpetrators to the proper authorities.

You're welcome to visit for more information.

Here is another site, for general animals: 
Sign up to help!

I read on Yahoo! News that Tick season was returning. 

As an ending note, I thought I would add some pictures of beautiful and real places around the world.

Serengeti, Africa.

Tuscany, Italy

Mediterranean coast, Europe


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